Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Carnival Season Starts In 2 Weeks

 Between today (Halloween) and in two weeks....Carnival season starting ('s some hype for 'costumes'.

Generally, I advise (as the non-German) that you pay attention and not get yourself into trouble.

My three bits of advice on costumes:

1.  Don't get stupid and try to dress as a German policeman.....legally, you are just begging for trouble.

2.  Don't get stupid and have a weapon (pistol for example) as part of the attire for some cowboy outfit.  Same for Daryl (the character with the bow-and-arrow from the Zombie series).  

3.  Don't get stupid and dress as an exhibitionist (meaning mostly or all nude).....even as cold as it is, you might think an interior party would make it ok to dress in some half-nude fashion.  Nope, that gets you into trouble as well.

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