Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Just Three Odd Things You Notice In Germany Presently

 First, mentions of Ukraine have dropped like a rock over the past two weeks.  You can watch both morning and evening news (via ARD/ZDF, public TV) and it might only be mentioned once every three days with the war business.

Second, just a awful lot of anti-Semitic chatter daily from migrant-guests of Germany.  Police are attempting to control the demonstrations but having marginal success.

Third, the last folks in Germany with any perception of inflation, wage issues, and poverty.....are Green Party leaders.  It's almost painful to have them on the public forum shows and being asked questions related to the marginal class of Germany.  

1 comment:

Real American said...

And Frau von de leyen has the nerve to tell all EU members that they must accept even more of those animals.