Sunday, October 15, 2023

Nutcase Story

 This story of a Syrian refugee guy being pushed off a bridge, by a German guy?  BS?  No...completely true.

What I can  say from reviewing in three sources here in some point on Friday, a German guy in his late-20s had some short discussion (no one even says the Syrian responded much), and then pushed the Syrian guy (early 20s) off the stone bridge in Regensburg (Bavaria).

Height to the water?  15 meters (50 ft).  Yeah, it's enough that the Syrian guy was probably had the crap scared out of him, and I doubt that the Syrian could swim.

The German guy?  From what the cops have said....he's regarded as a nutcase.

This charge of attempted homicide?  It'll lay there on the books, but I'm guessing the judge will mandate a mental review, and the German won't pass....meaning he gets a permanent ticket to a clinic. 

What created this talk/discussion between the two?  Unknown.  I suspect even the Syrian was amazed at the nutty behavior displayed.

This goes back to my view of Germany need to constantly be vigilant of your surroundings.  Even German nutcases are a problem that might occasionally pop up.

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