Thursday, October 26, 2023

Wolf Chatter

 The Markus Lanz interview show ran last night (late, ZDF, public TV, channel 2).  It's less of a public forum piece and more of a direct-interview. 

So oddly, they brought on a guy to talk over the wolf 'problem' in Germany.  Christian Lohmeyer was the guest.

I have say this....if you asked a thousand Germans where the wolf problem ranks....most won't rank it in the top 100, and a few won't even rank it in the top thousand issues in Germany.

If you go into rural regions, and simply talk to German farmers....the vast majority will rank it in the top ten issues of their mind.

A problem mostly in the NE of Germany?  It started that way.....presently in  northern Hessen, it's starting to be discussed.  I would imagine within a decade....wolves will be noted in all sixteen German states (maybe even in the urbanized areas of Hamburg and Berlin).

Pro-wolf crowd existing?  Yes, that is a rather odd part of the trend.  

Farmers  wanting a easier way to hunt wolves?  Yes, and so far....politicians have blocked that idea.

This chat from the show?  It was probably an eye-opener for the urbanized German viewer, and meant to present the ongoing saga that farmers have dealing with the issue of wolves.

Eventually, what I expect to happen....some kid at a bus-stop in a rural area...will be dragged off by a pack of wolves, and things will go pretty harsh for the wolf population of Germany. 

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