Monday, October 23, 2023

Wagenknecht Press Conference This AM

 So, the week starts.....hype over the German political party by Sahra Wagenknnecht.

As of this AM, Wagenknecht and the players in her new party resigned from the Linke Party.

The agenda?

First, she says the Scholz coalition (SPD-Greens-FDP) is the worst government of Germany "in history".  Some would argue since 1948, but these are her words.  If you asked a hundred Germans....I'd suggest that sixty percent readily agree things are crapped-out.

Second, sanctions against Russia cut the nation off from cheap Russia natural gas.  Again, most Germans would agree there.

Third, education policy and infrastructure are in bad shape.  'Lack of investment' is uttered.  She points at the Merkel coalitions for this problem.  Again, most Germans would at least agree that education policy is a serious problem.

Fourth, she utters that a 'economic policy of reason' needs to replace the current environmental situation (the Green Party agenda).  Here, it's going to be seriously divided....a third of the nation probably believes in the Green agenda to the extreme level.

Fifth, minimum wage needs to go she says.  Currently, set at 12 Euro per hour. This might be hard to convince industry and commerce on.  It would trigger serious inflation if it went to 16 Euro an hour.

Sixth, she believes the government should push more on 'detente' than spend more on defense.  Right-wing and right-of-center folks probably won't buy this.

Seventh, she talks of a right to people's opinions....that having one single position or unworthy of a democracy.  Basically, I think she'd agree that Twitter needs to stay up and be functional.....something that the EU has a problem with.

Eighth, some talk came up about the poor people of Germany not having much standing with the gov't.  If you convinced the welfare class of Germany to side with you....that would move about 15-percent of the vote to the party (by itself).

Ninth, the party intends to run for the EU election in spring of 2024.  On has to bother some SPD, Green and CDU folks.  It's possible (I believe) that this party of Wagenknecht could take 30-percent of the vote.  

Tenth, migration?  She talks about current migration has to be curtailed in some way, then oddly says....the right to asylum must be allowed to continue.  Odd statement might make far-left folks happy.....the other making far-right folks happy.  But she adds that recruitment of non-Germans would add to the success of commerce.  

Eleventh, she kinda blames the EU and says they aren't helping commerce....more of a case of hindering it. 

Finally, she gets to Gaza, and says a two-state situation has to exist in the end.  She doesn't say how this would occur.  

Right wing or left wing chatter?  Mostly left wing talk.  Who would move into this vote-camp?  Mostly welfare-class, probably half to two-thirds the voters of the Linke Party, and maybe 10-to-20 percent of the AfD.  Just getting the welfare class to show up and vote...would pump up another 10-percent minimum of the national vote (usually 65-percent of public shows up to vote).  

The failures of the Merkel and Scholz eras, and the Green Party?  Well....gaping wounds and she's pecking at them.  A lot of these failure to act....give this party room to operate.  That's the weird part of this story.  It's 25 years of stumbling around and sometimes accidentally resolving things.

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