Sunday, October 15, 2023

Germany: Riding Lawn-Mower Insurance?

 It came out today that the Scholz coalition (SPD-FDP-Greens) plan on mandating you as a private citizen or as a commercial operation....must have insurance if you own/operate a riding lawn-mower.  

Commentary by the insurance industry?  So far this weekend....they said it sounds a bit ridiculous, and presently, they don't have rates or any idea just how much you plan on.

This going hand-in-hand with EU regulations?  Well....yeah, that is part of the story.  It also goes to farm vehicles, but most them were tagged and had some type of insurance already in the mix.  

My view?  I have three issues:

1.  If you mandate's barely an 'inch' or two more, to mandate bicycle insurance or E-scooter insurance.  

2.  Couldn't non-riding mowers be quickly identified for the same mandate?

3.  Cost factor is mostly unknown, but I can't see it being less than 25 Euro a year.  

Do Germans get big into riding mowers?  For the most  In my village of 400 homes...I doubt if you'd find more than ten riding mowers....people just don't own enough yardage to make it a requirement. 

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