Thursday, October 12, 2023

Nine Humble Thoughts

 1.  Is Bill Gates an expert at 'anything'?

Yes, Word and PowerPoint.  Other than'd be wasting time asking Bill about anything else.  The funny thing....the news media spends a great deal of time talking to Bill over non-Word and non-PowerPoint topics.  

2.  Is there a true answer to reducing speed limits on German autobahns (like the Green Party weeps over)?

Yes, if you stop maintenance, and build crappy pavement....road conditions will lessen to the point where it's only safe to drive at 90 kph (instead of unlimited).  You know.....the way it is in Spain.  

You would think....sooner or later....that some German 'Einstein-genus' would realize that crappy roads is the answer to a lesser speed limit.

3.  Is there any way to explain the hilarious 'act' that VP Harris delivers almost daily?

Either drugs, or booze....because you couldn't be this after day, without some type of 'help'.

4.  If the German government coalition (SPD-Greens-FDP) collapsed overnight, and required a new election......where would the big hype be the next day?

Mostly public TV (ARD/ZDF) and moderators/talking-heads weeping over the failure of the Scholz coalition.  About half the German public would either mute their TV, or watch reruns of Baywatch instead.

5.  France's Interior Minister getting 'tough'?

Well...Darmanin said if you are a 'guest' of France....meaning 'lacking citizenship', and you do some stupid anti-Semitic will be 'deported'.  Doesn't appear that he's joking around.  My humble end of November....there's probably 3,000 French-speaking guests looking for another country, and having to learn a new language all over again.

6.  This weird effort to refer to Islam as a 'non-white' religion?

I'd require at least a half-bottle of whiskey to engage in this discussion and center on what 'non-white' and religion have to do with each other.

7.  Do low-IQ people have a higher rate of suicide and mental disorders?

Well....the high-IQ people suggest this.  Science-wise, I don't think the connection has been proven yet.  It is a fact that low-IQ people end up making really bad decisions....over and over, without gaining a prospective on the screw-up they might be pretty angry about their life situation, but unwilling to fix anything.

8.  I sat on a plane Monday.....flying into Frankfurt (2.5 hour flight), and as we boarded strictly two people wearing a Covid-mask.  Upon entering the least eight additional people then mounted Covid-masks.

I just thought this was pretty mask on the bus going to the airport, or in the airport.....but wearing a mask for the flight.

9.  Selling wind turbines in Germany a problem? village or community wants the massive turbines in their 'view'.  This attitude is a serious problem in the southern 'quarter' of Germany (both B-W and Bavaria).

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