Sunday, October 15, 2023

EU Story

 All that chatter from the EU a couple of months ago....about forcing everyone in Europe to haul-off and do renovations to meet some EU 'standard' for heating?  

Well....if you read through WELT today, the EU agenda appears now to have almost no support outside of the EU headquarters, and finding any party in Germany who supports just about impossible.

Just dropping this agenda?  At the present pace, I'd say by December....this is pretty doomed and will just be another EU 'great' idea without much support.

Were German houses in crappy condition on energy consumption?  Well.....there are three observations I can make:

1.  I think at the apartment-level.....if this EU renovation thing were forced....I'd be guessing that a quarter of all apartments would have issues, and trigger massive cost issues for owners to hand to the reach this degree of heating.

2.  Most homes...if they were built in the past fifty years....I think they met the conditions that the EU were talking about.  

3.  Going beyond the German border?  No one could really say how each country was to be affected, and that was a problem in trying to analyze this and make a prediction.  

I approached my German wife on this issue....with our house, and she was rather blunt....she was finished on upgrading and just wasn't a happy camper over the idea of more cost being applied to her. 

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