Sunday, October 15, 2023

The Compulsory Work 'Idea'

 This weekend, the CDU Party folks (right-of-center) came to suggest that to get welfare payments....if you are 100-percent need to either find work situations, or the government should assign some type of compulsory work.  This is from the General Secretary of the it's not some BS chatter....they are serious about this agenda item.


Well, first, they don't say what kind of work or how you'd invent this out of thin air.  Propaganda value?  Maybe a eight (out of a 1-to-10 scale).  But it's not realistic.

So, onto the second problem....even if you mandate this compulsory business, a fair number of these people don't have skill-craft situations or any background worth talking about.  So you have 30 or 40 year old people on Citizens money (welfare)....probably in the range of 600,000 (at least that's the journalist's comment).....who don't have much to offer for work, other than raking leaves, planting trees, serving drinks at some bar, or park maintenance.

Then to the third problem....will the court system get involved and say the government doesn't have the right to force work out of you?  I sat and pondered over this for a while, and actually believe there's nothing in German Constitution that would allow you to mandate forced work.  

So how would the public see this agenda?  I'd suggest three-quarters of the public (even SPD voters) would readily agree on this idea, and you'd only find the Green Party in solid agreement against.  The SPD politicians?  I'm guessing they would ask where this work would be invented.

The key statement?  Well....the CDU folks said that 'healthy' welfare folks were the ones they were talking about.  If you went and did the physical and mental exam business....out of each hundred of German Burger-geld (welfare) recipients.....I think at least half would have some physical problem, alcohol or drug issues, or some mental issue which prevent work production.  


Bigus Macus said...

Civilian Conservation Corp. My grandfather was part of it in the 30's

Schnitzel_Republic said...

I could sell this to liberal folks or the environmental crowd, by suggesting a massive 10-year tree/shrub planting agenda and putting a quarter-million Germans into a 30-hour a week welfare program. But a decade later, you'd have 10,000 percent over-abundance of trees and require another agenda group to cut down the trees/shrubs.