Tuesday, October 17, 2023

What Was The Poland Election About In The End?

 Well....the opposition parties made this election about potential regulation/laws on lessening women's rights to drink.  Yes, it is that crazy and stupid.

So for the record, the Law and Justice Party (right-wing) won with 36-percent of the vote.  The second place?  The Civic Coalition Party came with 31-percent.  To get a coalition gov't in place?  The Civic Coalition folks can band-together with 3rd place The Third Way Party and the New Left Party.....to run the Polish Parliament.  

What one can say.....yes, there is this population problem (national population at 37.7-million).  Basically stalled....no growth.  

Around a year ago....the conservative Law and Justice Party folks started to talk about this problem with a different view....there's too much drinking going on....particularly with women.

I  went to view facts, and there just aren't any facts to say alcohol is the cause of the population issue, or that women are the heavy drinkers.

Binge drinking? There's a foundation that studied Poland and found that roughly half-a-million binge drinkers do exist. WHO said in 2018.....around 2.5 million Poles do drink excessively (avoiding the term 'binge').   

OECD says that Polish males consume 18.4 liters of hard-alcohol per year.....while Polish women only consume 5.6 liters.  They then added that Polish women are 62% more likely to binge drink monthly....if they complete higher education (meaning college).  

So what the left-of-center parties did in the past year.....as the campaign got pushed....was to convince women that some type of law or regulation was going to come to affect them in particular (rather than both men and women).  

Yeah, it is a bit amusing but it apparently worked.  

You have to ask the question now.....will the left-of-center coalition go to some type of alcohol control....to lessen the booze problem in Poland?  I would suggest about a year into this coalition....when women have forgotten the key issue....some type of tax or regulation will occur.

My general belief on binge-drinking?  I used to work with a guy who could go 364 days a year with just one single beer a day, and once a year....go to some binge situation (enough to collapse on the floor).  This binge issue eventually caused him to have a stroke and loose some use of his one leg.

Cheap cost of booze one part of the binge situation?  I'd go and suggest that.  It's hard to binge off wine or beer.  If you tripled-up the tax on the hard stuff....it'd shift around the binge situation.  

In the end, this was an election about boozing-up and binging....just kinda odd to suggest that.

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