Monday, October 9, 2023

My Past Two Weeks

 I spent the last two weeks in SW Spain  (Andalusia region...30 miles SW of Seville).  Some observations:

1.  Even for early was still hot 31 C (88 F).  

2.  We stayed at a 'adults-only' hotel....meaning no kids.  Guests?  About 80-percent age 60 and over.  I have to was actually quiet.

3.  Driving on Spanish roads?  I'd advise you to stay at 90 kph or matter where you's crappy roads for excessive speed.

4.  I spent a quarter of a day in Ronda.....a tourist magnet.  It's worth making a trip out to.....but by the time you engage in all the tourism crap, find a parking spot, and see the old feel like you've spent 12 hours walking around.

5. On the spectrum of regulating or mandating can put the Germans at one end, and the Spaniards at the opposite end.  

6.  Public toilets?  Zero.  You need to pause at cafes....drink their beverages, and use their toilets.

7.  It is just shocking the number of Chinese tourists that pass through.  

8.  Dogs.....Spaniards are overly consumed with having dogs around.

9.  After two weeks of consuming hotel kinda reached a point where it reminded me of military chow-hall days (hate to admit  that).

10.  Ants.....hotel had a serious problem on the interior and exterior....with ants.  

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