Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Four German News Stories

 1.  Not a front-page story in Germany, but on the Canary Islands (part of Spain)....they've had around 1,600 refugees arrive by boat last week, and it's been crazy trying to manage the situation there.  Front-page story on the islands.

2.  Curious problem being noticed in Germany with building projects getting into a year, 2-years, and up to 6-years in delay.  These building permits that are issued in the beginning....have a limit, and if you screw up in the inital delay money isn't there....and the permit runs out, then you have to start a new process to get a permit.

3.  The Forsa folks (they do polls) stood up this AM and looked at numbers and comments by the public, and have said the new BWS Party probably will never get beyond 5-percent in actual elections.  

Their logic?  They don't see many AfD voters who'd find 'comfort' in the current brand/message of BWS.  

4.  That pipeline  between Finland and Estonia that 'broke' about three weeks ago?  After a fair amount of viewing.....there's this anchor that seems to have dragged across the pipe, and they seem to believe it belonged to a Chinese freighter.  

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