Thursday, October 26, 2023

Court Story

 Back in the Bavaria state election campaig period....some retired teacher decided to engage in a harsh way, and bring up the Free Voter Party candidate's school days (Aiwanger).  

This goes back to some high school project from 30 years ago, that Aiwanger had turned in.  Oddly, the instructor had kept a copy of this and decided now was a time to take down Aiwanger (the candidate). really didn't work well.  In fact, I'd say in probably bumped up the Free Voter Party by three points minimum.  

So it came out today, via the ARD Tagesspiegel news folks....this retired instructor is under some type of investigation.  Authorities won't say the trigger to this but I would imagine there is some type of confidentiality code and even if retired.....the person bent some understanding.

Just odd?  Apparently Tagesspiegel was asking the Ministry of Culture in Bavaria and they originally refused to answer any questions.  Then as Tagesspiegel went to court to sue for public information....a court is holding the Tagesspiegel situation....yet to answer what exactly the legal issues are.  

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