Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Frankfurt Old Police Station Finally Settled

If you were an American and were ever stationed around Frankfurt....one of the top dozen impressive buildings of the city was the old police headquarters....about 300 meters north of the train-station (bahnhof). 

Around the 1990s as the US Army vacated the city.....some of their property was consumed for a new police city headquarters.  So around 2002.....the old station was vacated. 

What was to be done with the building or property (15.4 hectares).....was unknown.  A lot of arguments went on, and property speculation went to the maximum degree.

Around the spring of 2018, the property was finally sold to a developer.  This week, the plan was laid out.

The whole station will be demolished.

What comes next?  A skyscrapper in the area, 145 meters tall.    A hotel, offices, some space set to reduced rent situations, etc. 

A new era?  Well...construction doesn't start until early 2022, and they figure at least 2026 before it's done. 

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