Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Bow and Arrow Update

 I essayed a bit last week over this Norway guy (Dane, who'd become radicalized....as the police say....to Islam).  The first story was that he attacked and wounded the seven odd folks (five dead) with a bow and arrow.  

Well....early this AM....a update occurred.  Apparently, the bow and arrow (when attempted)....didn't work.  So the guy resorted to use a knife on the seven people.  

My humble guess.....he might have seen the use of a bow and arrow on TV (like that Daryl from that zombie series) but unless you really use it on a frequent basis.....you aren't going to be a true user of it.  

Currently, the guy is up for a mental eval, and based on social media commentary....I don't think he will pass this.  The guy has had some kinda of mental issue for a number of years.  All this joining up with Islam in the past couple of years?  Probably a belief that religion of some sort would resolve his past 'demons', and that just didn't come true.  


Claudio said...

I am not sure if this is the right place but this society needs to heal itself from ills like this one, this person embraced a certain religion, so am eye for an eye is very much something that would apply here.

Schnitzel_Republic said...

Based on various accounts of this guy (his past history), I would say that he had 'demons' in his life before religious converting came along. No one stood up to suggest to the authorities to put him into a controlled facility. These 'wake-up' calls as I would call them....ought to make us engage and identify people like this, who need a permanent residence in a mental facility.

PROCON said...

Screw the mental facilities and quit saying the guy had 'mental issues'. Some people are just plain evil and choose to do evil. I think you've been paying too much attention and believing what the German media and police are reporting. Whether it's islam that made him do it or he's just an evil bastard, it seems like you're taking the side that the guy just needs therapy. Bullshit, he needs to be locked away in prison for the rest of his life.

Schnitzel_Republic said...

Oh I agree on permanently holding the people in this category...they can never be allowed out on the street again.

Same issue with that Parkland 'kid' who'd had over 40-police calls (school and home) over behavioral control issues. By age 16, he should have been locked up in a facility, and never let out.

That Norway guy (Anders Behring Breivik, 2011 mass killer) has serious mental issues, and in his mind....he saw no evil done. The state has prescribed permanent placement in his case in a prison.

My view of it....we've had a number of non-radicalized cases of assault from the past hundred years in Germany. If no one says anything to qualify a guy for a mental facility....something bad typically happens. A good example is the Bremen school shooting in 1913. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bremen_school_shooting