Friday, October 1, 2021

Merz Chatter

 Friedrich Merz gave an analytical interview of the German election results yesterday....covered by N-TV.  

Merz, if you will remember history....was a big insider of the CDU Party twenty years ago, and felt he was deserving of a ministry position under Merkel.  Merkel disliked the guy, and his 'star' he quit the party and went back to business.  Two years ago, he came back to the Party....angling to be the Party 'boss' and eventually the Chancellor candidate.  The pro-Merkel crew did everything possible to cancel him out.  In the past nine months, Merz gave support to Laschet, in hopes of getting the Finance Minister position.

So his hype about the failures of the party?  

He says the party got lazy....not just in the last couple of years, but for at least a decade.  

He also says that the core voters in this election for the CDU....were the hardcore folks only....that everyone of a lesser nature left the party for better offerings.  

I won't disagree with the guy....this whole center-center view of topics led people to certain views of what the CDU would or would not deliver.  In some ways, over the past sixteen's been a caretaker-style government.  If you listed every problem existing back in 2010....most all of these problems still exist today.  The coalitions that came and went......patched up problems for a temp situation, and simply moved on.  

As for what happens with Merz now?  I think as the SPD creates the coalition government, Merz will quietly leave politics for the final time, and say adios to the CDU Party.  

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