Friday, August 12, 2022

What's the Cum-Ex Scandal All About?

 Since it's been in the news a bit....I'll offer a simplified version of the German scandal.  

Back in late 2018, a number of news media groups came together and analyzed a data file of 'lost taxation'.  They announced since 2002, they'd lost tax revenue in the range of 30-plus billion Euro.  

Who is the faulty party?  Banking officials, and investors.

Why this recent new chatter? would seem that in certain states of Germany....the effort to hunt the faulty parties was 'throttled'....meaning that some people got the full treatment of investigation and some got next to nothing.  The hint is...some political folks got paid bribes to ensure no criminal treatment.  

How long can this investigation go on?  No one ever says.  

Once you admit that the 'throttling' occurred, then you have to back-track, and review cases settled in years past.  So it makes a longer and more painful experience for everyone.

And where it leads to in the beginning?  It was a method where you'd say your dividends were not quiet they were in reality....thus paying a lesser tax situation.  

Could it be more than 30-billion Euro?  There are some people around who suggest that.  

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