Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Comorbidity, Germany and the Question of Low German Covid-19 Statistics

For several months, I've been amazed by the statistical situation with Germany and the Coronavirus.  Taking the infections and the death-rate....comparing against Italy, Spain, the UK and France....it's just an amazing situation to be in Germany.

I can look in my local urban 'zone' (Wiesbaden), and since day one....population of 293k, we are now at 780 total infected, with only 84 active cases presently.  The total number of deaths?  22.  Most of these are over the age of 70. 

Doctors and virus experts have talked about this, and they are at a loss to explain how the numbers are so low.

This week, the CDC in the US sat down and talked about the statistical situation with Comorbidity and the Covid-19 situation. 

So here's the thing about the Comorbidity....it means that a doctor evaluates your records and looks over the actual cause of your death, and while the test might say you had Covid-19.....your secondary conditions (if they exist)....figure heavily into this.

An example of this would be a 300 pound guy, with severe heart problems, and COPD.....while having Covid-19....the secondary conditions all brought this guy to an early death. 

So from all these US deaths....listed with Covid-19....the CDC now says that 6-percent of folks died purely from the virus, and NO secondary condition.  That means 94-percent had various health issues, and those helped to bring them to an early death.

This has caused me to ponder about the general health of Germans and ask the stupid question....long before Covid-19 came along, are a serious number of Germans in great health without secondary conditions?

Week in and week out, I see various Germans with their cars parked near forest parking areas, and walking an hour or two. 

Week in and week out, I see Germans hyped up on nutritional 'tricks' and eating healthy meals.  My German wife emphasizes this in most of her dinners now. 

Week in and week out, I see Germans consuming less sugar drinks, quitting smoking, and doing healthy aspects of life.

A scale on Comorbidity?  No.....no one has devised such a tool.

Am I saying that Germans are more healthy than Italians or Spaniards?  Well....I'm asking the question.

Maybe it's a radical thing, but perhaps this lower infection rate and lower death rate in Germany....is simply because of good health to start with.

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