Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Pretty Blunt Poll

 Focus brought up this RTL/N-TV trend poll today.  They asked a bunch of Germans how they felt about the new government potential deal.....with the CDU-CSU participating.

74-percent said 'NO'.....they don't want that type of coalition government.  

So then the question was about the CDU Party itself....if Armin Laschet should stay as the party 'boss'......80-percent said NO.

Then they asked if he could stay as the NRW Premier-President.....70-percent said NO.

If you gaze at chatting on social media.....the coalition deal will probably be done in the next two weeks.....with the SPD hooking up the Greens-FDP.  

Hostility brewing over Laschet remaining around?  I'd say most Germans just laugh about the Chancellor candidate and how things turned out for the party.  With state elections brewing in spring 2022....I'd say that a quit-letter will be fixed up and I suspect he'll resign as the party 'boss' by the end of November.  

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