Saturday, June 18, 2022

German News

 1.  I went to the bakery in my village today (a normal Saturday thing).  I buy always the same assortment of 'goods'.  This morning.....the cost was 7.32 Euro.  Back around early January, the price for the same goods was set at 6.97 Euro.  Previously, for about four years....the same assortment had run around 6.37.  

Yeah, roughly a five-percent bump up.  If I use the 2021's a 15-percent increase on inflation.  

Looking across the display area.....everything had at least a ten-cent bump-up.

2. The BKA (Federal Crime office for Germany) noted today that they have literally hundreds of war-crimes cases that they've developed....involving Russians.  Whether they will ever be taken into court?  Unknown.

3.  Interesting chatter from a interview on N-TV with Germany's Minister of Justice Buschmann (FDP).

Talk escalating about Covid again, and masks.  He says....for the mask requirement to come back needs to be 'scientifically proven' and 'evidence-based'.

Where this is leading onto? is odd....for 2020 when the whole mask requirement was had a limited science-driven directive.  In 2021, it flipped when surgical masks were no longer accepted as valid.....while there was limited to no real data to make this decision.

My humble view is that some university will pick this three months of analysis and come to the view that any, but it needs to be changed out daily....something that I doubt happens with a quarter of the adult population. 

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