Friday, June 24, 2022

Travel Story

 There are a hundred-odd things that I'd brag about with the Frankfurt Airport.  Over the decades, I've probably used it more than 150 times. 

Up until Covid, this was probably one of the most advanced airports in the world.  If you were looking for services, food, or some alternate method of exiting the airport (buses, trains, etc).....they were ready to provide whatever you needed.

The top thing that I liked?  As you exited a plane (on arrival) the time you walked to border-control (passports), and then walked the 300 ft to the baggage area....usually you stood there for no more than 10 minutes.  You'd be in the train coming home around 15 minutes after that.  

This week, I noticed off social media....the wait-time is now a minimum of an hour and usually up to 75 minutes now.  People are also admitting that if they get there late to turn in their bags for boarding....the odds of the bag making it to the now a problem.

Reason?  The airport quietly admits that among their ten services (security included)....a fair number of the old employees left in the Covid period, and found other jobs.  Yes, they are short-handed.  

Fixing this?  Well....want-ads are out and they are recruiting new people.  Happening in the middle of vacation season? I'm handing out advice.  If you were taking a vacation this year....within Europe......try to drive there, and avoid airline travel.

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