Sunday, June 12, 2022

Rounding Up German News

 1.  The German Chancellor (Scholz) rounded up a two-day visit to the Balkans region.  Lot of speeches....lot of chit-chat.  

2.  Lot chatter around food prices....noticed a Focus piece discussing individual items.  In a 2-month period, organic butter went from 2.29 Euro to 2.99 Euro.  Same period, salami went from 1.39 Euro to 1.79 Euro.  Oatmeal is up 17-percent.  Toilet paper is up 14.5-percent.  Orange juice up 14.4-percent.  

So here's the thing.....that's just over two months, and you have to expect a continue trend for all of these for June, July and August.

3. least in Hessen, lot of food catering companies/restaurants are looking for employees.  At least 60-percent (at least HR news says this) are actively looking for skilled people for the trade.

Recovering from Covid spiral?  About three out of four businesses say they have a pretty healthy situation presently.

4.  N-TV had an update on this Ham University attack. This 34-year-old guy responsible for the attack....was that morning at a mental clinic, and left.  Authorities more or less....say he suffers from serious mental issues (they used the word 'for years').

From the four wounded?  One is in pretty serious condition.

So you read through the news piece and there's this one odd aspect.  Police went to the guy's apartment.....doing a raid after the attack....find various psychotropic drugs in his place.  It would appear he was mixing and matching....trying to treat himself.  

What the police say....on this particular morning....he felt people were after him....trying to kill him.  

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