Tuesday, June 7, 2022

The Parts Story

 WELT has a piece written by Pavel Lokshin this morning.  So there's this fascinating point that he lays out about Russian hardware left on the battlefield in the Ukraine.  It's obvious that some western folks are there and looking over the destroyed equipment. 

What Lokshin lays out?  There are various pieces/components.....that were built in western countries.....where sanctions will prevent you from getting the components for future requirements.  

Starting a whole industry for these components?  Well....it's not a simple task and if you don't have the know-how to copy and reproduce.....you will have to spend a fair amount of time in the developmental stage.

Did the Russian generals realize this?  I have my doubts.  

I'm more likely to believe that contracts were handed out by the Kremlin elite/Oligarch community, who turned to logistics people and just said....we want a tank with X, Y and Z.  The design engineers put this to paper, and logistical folks looked around for the engines and components.  Unless they were told not to use German and Spanish technology.....they probably sourced it.  

Here's the thing....as you enter this new era to replenish the Russian Army.....there are certain limits, and timelines.  Trying to build a whole Russian industry to fill the gap?  You can add several years onto a replenishment schedule.

I'm guessing the Oligarch folks are frustrated there, but here's the sad part to this story.  It's not just military equipment that went this way.  Commercial air travel, freighters, and railway systems also went down this path.  The stop-lights in Moscow?  I'm willing to bet the technology is non-Russian.  The water purification system in St Petersburg? I'll bet half the system is non-Russian.  The subway in Moscow?  I'll bet various pieces and parts are non-Russian. 

You might as well up the bottle of gin, and prepare for a pretty long and harsh period where things don't work.

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