Saturday, June 25, 2022

Yeah, About That Heating Cost

 Lot of natural gas pricing chatter going on.

Via HR (regional public TV).....they had a piece on new prices coming up.

They talked to a local guy who had a contract with a regional provider....cost was set at 5.50 Euro-cents per KwH.  New pricing listed on the letter sent this week?  21.17 Euro-cents per KwH.  Yes, more than tripling the cost.  

What the journalists suggest....most all of the natural gas providers in the Hessen region will be updating the price list over the next month or two.....with people probably being extremely shocked over the new prices.

So if you were used to a 1,900 Euro average bill for the year....somehow, you will have to find an additional 1,900 Euro in your budget, and it even be closer to 2,500 extra Euro.  

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