Wednesday, June 29, 2022


 Hahn Airport got sold off again today.  For those who haven't followed this.....around 2016, the EU told the Pfalz that they were sponsoring too many regional airports.  

Hahn, for about 15 years had attempted to run as a commercial operation, and been a failure. 

So in 2017....a Chinese company came up and bought the airport....but the cash promised....didn't really come in.  So a long court episode unfolded.  A new company called Swift Conjoy (Gmbh, out of Frankfurt, with little on accomplishments) stepped in and bought the airport.

How much was the deal?  Unknown.  

Can it be made profitable?  My humble opinion is that it was basically fitted to be an operation where small transport companies could fly in and avoid the costly deal at Frankfurt.  The problem need to run a tower, a fire department, and basic support when you add this up, and get zero Euro from the's a challenge.  

I should note....Hahn isn't that close to Mainz or Frankfurt, and getting regular commercial traffic was always marginal in the past.  

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