Monday, June 13, 2022

The 'Taboo' Discussion

 Susan Gaschke wrote a commentary for Welt over the weekend....entitled: 'The Cultural Left Has Erected New Taboos'.  

It's about a four-minute reading piece and if you can find it via either N24 or's worth a read.

The pointed end of this essay?  There's a lot of controlled debating going on in public within Germany....leading people to be careful what they utter or suggest.  

So she's rather odd that the left side of this spectrum is pushing this agenda....when they led the discussions in the past against the government and the authorities....wanting more and open debate.

There are still topics that you can freely discuss in Germany, and it doesn't get you issues (example, the pension program is under massive debate on a daily is public safety, and inflation).  

Massive control?'s just that the two major parties in question (the CDU and SPD)....are in free-fall....with a public standing combined of less than 50-percent.  It's possible in the next election that the SPD will even fall below the 20-percent point.  

It would be safe to say that political aggravation is now a daily thing, with Germans fairly divided.  Some would remark that it's starting to resemble the 1920s again.

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