Tuesday, May 12, 2020

A Footnote on the Virus

There is a little quote I noticed in the past week, from a German pathologist (Professor Klaus Püschel).

The professor is a forensic expert.

His quote: “In the end, COVID-19 (the Coronavirus) is a viral disease like the flu, which in most cases is harmless and is only fatal in exceptional cases".

His reasoning?  Hamburg (meaning the city authorities) did a complete autopsy on around 180 dead folks who were certified to have died from the virus. 

Here's the thing, which the professor points out....ALL of these individuals (180-odd)....had some type of extreme pre-existing conditions, with the fact that they were not 'kids'. 

You see this a great deal from Italian reports.....people with heart conditions requiring beta blockers, or dealing with liver ailments, or having blood sugar problems (diabetes). 

The high numbers in New York City?  Somewhere around 3,000 of those folks who were dead from the virus....were in retirement homes....meaning they were in their 70s, 80s, or 90s.  This remarkable fact has been discussed at length. 

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