Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Diesel Car Story

So the Karlsruhe top court (the Federal Court of Justice in Germany) came out yesterday and said that diesel car owners (in particular, the VW owners) can take their old VW diesel car back to the dealer and demand a reimbursement.

However, along the way....there is a 'discount' from the original purchase price.

An example of how this would work.   You bought a VW diesel vehicle back in 2015 for 25,000 Euro.  You have some higher than average mileage on the vehicle (because you drove it 100 km per day for work).  Your total mileage is 185,000 km (on the high side).

By the time you do the numbers....the car in 2020 is now worth 7,000 to 12,500 Euro....depending on shape, condition, extras.

Hurting VW?  No doubt.  But there are some funny angles to this.

You have to walk into a VW dealer and ask for the 'refund'.  He will assess the mileage and extras, and give you the sheet.

If I were the dealer, I'd turn around and say.....if you take the 'refund' and apply for a new VW car, I'll give you a four-year loan deal for 1-percent interest, plus a 200-liter 'free' gas card, and 2,000 Euro off any vehicle valued at 25,000 Euro or 4,000 Euro off any vehicle over 35,000 Euro.  Yes, I'd make you twist and turn....thinking over of dealing with VW again, and getting a great deal.

As for how many will go and ask for the refund?  Unknown.  It might be 100-percent.  It might be 50-percent.  If you have a 5-year old VW diesel which hasn't ever broke down....you might be dedicated enough to stick with it.  Limit on the refund deal?  No one has said much...but I would suspect you have 12 months starting this week to accomplish the refund.

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