Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Orange Man Bad Effort

For prime-time tonight on ZDF, they are running a documentary piece....'Trump und die Corona-Krise'.  44-minute piece.  I stopped at the 15-minute point.

Basically, a long drawn out piece to utter the phrase over and over....'orange hair man bad'.  Putting on at prime-time?  In hopes that Germans would scurry over and get their dose of 'orange man bad'.  The problem with this....a fair number of Germans have kinda gotten enough of Corona news, and Corona woes somewhere else just isn't much of a priority.

The folks who produced this?  Not from ZDF or ARD....my impression is that it's a public TV piece from the US. 

If you were a intellectual German....you'd also go and ask the question....with all the deaths in Spain, France, Italy and the UK....why aren't you guys doing a 'bad boy story' over their Corona situation, and blaming someone in that case.  Maybe a bad boy story from Russia?  Or how about Iran's woes?  Prime-time stuff from Wuhan where it all started?  Ha....don't even whisper that thought. 

Yeah, it does kinda stand out that it's another shot for the German public TV people to make some stance and hope that people jump for some propaganda material, with a few facts scattered in the middle of the production piece.

Here's the thing about it.....ZDF has to put something up for people to watch. You could be watching 'Eva Braun - Bride of Evil', or the 'Rosenheim Cops' (strictly for Germans over the age of 65), or some Danish-TV thriller series called 'Greyzone - No Way Out' (about some fictional terrorists hyped up in Denmark and doing bad stuff with killer-drones). 

I'm not trying to say that ZDF is crap....it's just that if you gave them any real funding....they'd go and find the quickest method to dump the money into marginal material that only interests seven people out of a hundred.  Thankfully, they aren't buying into a mysterious horse farm series bought by twin sisters, which holds Nazi-gold, and has some mysterious stranger digging holes on the backside of the property. 

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