Wednesday, May 20, 2020

If the Solution Never Comes?

There is a particularly good article off N-TV today (here in Germany) which chats to a great topic.....what if we never find a decent vaccine for Covid-19 or Coronavirus?  It's written by Christian Herrmann. 

It's a brief piece....maybe 20 lines.  And he jumps into the science part and the consequences part of this discussion.

Basically, since day one....the chatter in Germany by the virus experts and political folks is centered around a vaccine, and how the threat will be eliminated. 

In recent weeks....the topic has come up (outside of Germany) that you could encounter Covid-19 more than once.  Add to this....various degrees of Covid-19 now exists. 

Herrman points out one key part of the vaccine development....almost no one over the age of 55 is being tested.  It begs questions, but it's best not to ask.

I'm not a scientist or medical expert, but I can see the reality where a 70-percent solution is laid out and we simply accept the fact that a fair number of us simply won't get a vaccine that is that perfect or effective.  In simple terms....something is better than nothing.

The fact that 40,000 Germans might still die yearly....even after the vaccine is delivered? may not like the odds.  But it's better than 40,001. 

Shutting down schools every single year for three months?  It's best not to suggest that because you'd end up with a fair number of problems in the long-term. 

So just accept it....something is better than nothing. 

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