Thursday, May 7, 2020

More Film Crew Violence

Wednesday odd event unfolded in Berlin.

So the basic story....a demonstration called for.  It doesn't appear that it was a police-approved situation (normally you apply for a permit).  So this was a anti-Corona demonstration....against the bans.

Chief of the call?'s one of those odd things....a celebrity vegan chef. is a bit odd.

This is a guy that you might have see around on commercial TV....Attila Hildmann.  As celebrity cooks go, I wouldn't rate him in the top twenty, but he'd show up in the top one-hundred.  But here's the thing about Hildmann.....he always has some conspiracy that he's talking about.  He has this odd combination....fine vegan cooking and talking conspiracy stuff.

Via social media.....probably between 300 and 400 people show up.....if you can believe the police reporting on this.  ARD decides to send a film crew out. 

At some point.....folks around this demonstration attack the ARD film crew.  Cops react.  In the end....some mid-40s guy is arrested for the attack business.  Part of the demonstration?  Unknown....maybe he was just a bystander.

Here's the thing....this is the second demonstration in a week in Berlin....where ARD or ZDF fim crews were attacked.  Yeah, it's a trend.

The journalists are hyped up and angry about the threat of violence against them.  The revolutionary tactics being shown?  Everyone is focused on anti-ban stuff right now.

It'll be curious now how the police react over the next week or two in Berlin. 

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