Monday, May 11, 2020

The Angle of This Conspiracy Chatter

One of the chief angles of discussion in Germany presently over the Coronavirus conspiracy 'stuff' this letter signed by a number of bigwigs of the Catholic church.

Now, I'll point this out....that a fair number of folks signed the document but the three that get the most mention in the press are: German Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller, the former bishiop of Hong Kong....Cardinal Joseph Zen Ze-kiun and Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano from Italy.

In the case of Müller....he runs a church in Rome, Italy.....not a church in Germany.

The document that drives this conspiracy...basically lays out that this pandemic is a mechanism to exploit or hinder basic rights.

Their words on the document go to suggest that actions taken so far by various unjustified and seems to be done in a disproportion way.

The lockdown business?  That's the key negative in this document....suggesting some type of world government effort.

The reaction by the Catholic Church itself?  Mostly to condemn the document and the suggestion of this global conspiracy.  The word 'alarming' is uttered a good bit if you follow Twitter or social media commentary by the church officials. 

In simple terms, two groups are emerging with focus at each end of the spectrum.  One suggests that the faithful should comply with the government hygiene and ban rules.  The other suggests that the ban rules and government authorities have some 'evil' intent. 

The fact that non-religious folks have picked up on this chatter and conspiracy seems to be openly discussed?  Just part of the whole dynamic at work. 

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