Monday, May 4, 2020

The Immunity Card Discussion

In recent weeks, a topic has come up....whether the government should issue an immunity card to people.

The card would fall along this discussion....either you'd have a signed card from the doctor on a vaccination (yet to be clear about), or it'd be signed to say you had one bout with Corona.

But this has dragged out the other curious one is sure that you only get this once.

What would the card get you?  They suggest the ability to travel, but that's not very clear about where you could go.

Some folks (the Linke Party for example) are saying that Germany is slipping into the surveillance 'state'....suggesting it's like old DDR.

Public commentary?  Some folks are asking if this vaccination is going to be 'forced' (hinting they aren't happy about that deal).  Some are laughing that the card would make things look like 1933 and the Nazis.  Then you have a few who are saying they are non-conformists, and will not cooperate with the vaccination or the card. 

Behind all of this.....the 'new' Germans (the Syrians, Iraqis, Turks, etc)....are looking at all of this discussion and just shaking their heads.  In the old homeland, you'd just be told X was going to happen......there'd be no discussion or Q and A situation. 

Me?  I'd likely ask the doctor if this was good for Covid-19, the Coronavirus, the Wuhan virus, or the China see how he relates all of this to the vaccine. Between 1977 and 1999.....I probably took fifty shots of various types, and one more probably won't kill me. 

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