Friday, May 22, 2020

The 300-Euro Per Kid Deal

Lot of political chatter erupted today in Germany, with the Finance Minister saying that a project to give a one-time 'check' to families....being 300 Euro per kid....would be worked out. 

When?  No one is really that sure but the talk is that by the end of June.....the money (really a stimulus) would go out.

Age limitations?  So far, nothing has been said.  It appears that if you are still living in the parents will be counted.

Problems with this?  Well....some kid in the neighborhood will tell your son or daughter about the money, and they will sit down to establish their 'cut' of the money (probably suggesting that they get all of it). 

In well-to-do homes, or the middle-class.....that might happen. 

In the Hartz-IV (welfare) homes?  My guess is that the parents will give the kid a 25 Euro cut and use the rest for school supplies and clothing for the fall. 

Strictly a one-time deal?  So far....that's the chatter.  However, if there is a second wave in the fall....I could see these political folks opting for a second stimulus by Christmas. 

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