Saturday, May 23, 2020

Corona and the Hooker Story

Out of our public TV in Hessen (HR), this brief story popped up.

There's court action brewing with eleven brothel building managers from Frankfurt....taking the government on, and saying it's time for the brothels to open (since they signed off on tattoo operations, cafes, pubs, etc).

Using the wording 'professional freedom'....they hope that the court will order the government to write a hygiene type regulation and get the brothels reopened.

So here's the thing about this story....there's no short-time work or government allowance flowing for these women, so the only current alternative is 'street-work' and avoid the sanctioned brothels.  Profits are probably marginal, and it's certainly more unhygienic.

The eleven operators?  They are paying rent on a building, with no real income presently.

The Bundestag's general view?  No one is really voicing any concern, and it's going to require the court to resolve this.

Oddly, this is one of those 1,000-odd items where some folks chat about conspiracy things.....suggesting this is being used to eradicate prostitution from the German public landscape.  It's a silly suggestion, but people can look at the landscape and wonder when (if ever) this will go back to a normal scene. 

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