Monday, May 4, 2020


What is Resistance2020?

Well....via social media and various opposition groups.....this group is developing in Germany, and aiming to become a political party.

The chief claim?  They say (no one can prove it true or false) that they have as many committed members as the AfD Party, or the Linke Party. 

So the Corona crisis has created this odd opening, where people oppose the ban business, and the government strategy.

Where this is going?  There's a fair amount of disenchantment going woes hitting just about everyone.....frustrations over the bans....and a uneasy view of the next twelve months.   It is the perfect atmosphere to throw the 'finger' at the coalition government and the various parties sitting in the Bundestag, and wish for a totally different management crew.

The odds of this taking off?  Unknown.  The crew leading them?  Mostly unknowns.  But there is this history of Germany, especially in the 1920s and 1930s....where chaos reigned, and oddball groups came to exist....mostly because of bad decisions and negative public perceptions.    So you can't tell where this is going.

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