Friday, May 22, 2020

Mask Story

So what would happen if you had masks for medical operations and German clinics.....but they were just sitting in a warehouse, even when real people needed them?

This story comes up today via SWR (regional German public TV).

What is being said is that the Ministry of Health has bought around 130 million of the upscale FFP2 type masks (the better type than the paper mask).  But they haven't really figured out a method of shipping these around Germany to the people who need them.

I sat and read through the brief story a couple of times.  Several news organizations are chatting about this....kinda in a embarrassing way for the government.

My general impression is that the buying 'arm' of the Health Ministry knew how to contract out and purchase the masks.....having them delivered.  But the same 'arm' didn't really plan or figure the best way to release the masks to hospitals in the sixteen German states.  It would be better to avoid creating a state-by-state depot out of this mess, and just have crates packed up by forty-odd Bundeswehr (Army) each day and ship direct to each hospital.....but I don't think anyone has grasped that idea.

I hate having to suggest hiring up Amazon to handle this mess, but it'd make more sense because they handle this type of problem without a lot of screw-ups.

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