Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Curious Refugee Subject

In the past couple of days....the Coronavirus finally arrived at various refugee centers in Germany.  If you go and review the news coverage via ARD (public TV, Channel One).....there's a fair amount of worry going on now.

The hype is this.....if you seek refuge in Germany....they have a set 'pattern' to handling your situation.  You are taken to a facility where food and shelter are immediately available, and within a day or two....then moved onto what you'd call a full-up refugee compound/center. 

Here, you start paperwork for your process (which isn't guaranteed that you will be allowed to stay). 

They settle you and your family into fairly tight quarters.....without a kitchen (they provide three meals a day through a catering operation).  In a lot of cases, there is one central bathroom for men and for women.

Older US-military barracks?  Yes, you can find various examples where they are re-used.

This might have been a building for 200 individuals while used by the US Army, but today?  It might have 300 to 400 individuals in the building.

So there is a research project going on and a discussion that this entire way of handling refugees is not practical or 'safe'. 

The problem here?  At the end of this discussion....when the full report is issued, then what?  Are you going to see some 1.5-billion Euro effort to build some massive housing scheme...designed as temp-quarters for refugees?  This is the part of the story that will fire up some folks who are anti-refugee or anti-migrant in the first place. 

Lets admit it....all of these refugee centers in Germany were built to be a temporary place to 'store' people for three to six months, until the paperwork is approved, or disapproved.  It was never meant to be a permanent residence.

If you go and say that temp conditions are not allowable, then suggest that a real apartment dwelling has to be procured.....there's going to be a long talk about why you can't seek paperwork approval back in your native country (like it was before 2013) and fly into Germany with full-up quarters at that point. 

My problem with all of this chatter....if you say these conditions are a problem, then what about retirement-home conditions, or Hartz IV/welfare landscapes....shouldn't they be in some review and updated as well?  It seems like you are opening up a Pandoras Box and making things into an extremely complicated mess. 

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