Thursday, May 14, 2020

Legal Challenge Story

Some of you may remember my essay pieces over the murder of a local Mainz teenage girl (summer 2018), by an Iraqi guy who'd migrated into Germany.  The case is often referred to as the 'Susanne F' case.

The police eventually did apprehend the guy (he'd left the country for his homeland in Iraq), and brought him back.  The court episode concluded in July of 2019....with a 'life sentence'.  One should note, it's awful rare that the court system in Germany goes to this extent.  In the typical murder case, the guilty party would usually get a sentence of 20 years. 

Well....that was challenged.  Yesterday, the German court system came back and said 'nope, we didn't make a mistake, life meets the consequences situation'. 

I should note....the murder case wasn't the only court action.  This particular guy also got a rape charge thrown at him for a second and totally different episode....this being an 11-year-old local girl.  Convicted on that episode as well.

For anyone doubting the German legal can function as the general public expects results. 

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