Sunday, May 3, 2020

Anti-Coronavirus Demonstrations?

Yes, it kinda started in Germany in the past two weeks.  Yesterday (Saturday) Stuttgart, they say around 5,000 people met and had a demonstration.  The local police won't confirm the number.  It was peaceful but has generated more enthusiasm.

Various groups are discussing more demonstrations over the next weekend....if bans aren't relaxed.  It's not a right-wing or left-wing's gone across the entire spectrum.

There's supposed to be a high-level government meeting on the 6th, and a number of 'bans' are supposed to be lifted (bars, restaurants, etc).

There's talk coming up that the meeting will clear up the path for hotel operations to get funding and a date to re-open.

Its safe to say that the general public (probably up in the 60 to 70 percent range) has reached their max acceptance of the bans, and they have to go. 

Soccer, pools, vacations, and fests are in the mix....the public wants a return to reality. 

Barbershops and hair-dressers open tomorrow?  There's a boom period going on for the next week or people get a chance to return to some normal habits.

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