Friday, May 8, 2020

Shootout 'Drama'

We don't usually have this kind of stuff in Germany, but a shootout unfolded yesterday....over in Darmstadt.

What the regional HR news folks that the police got a call in the late afternoon.  Area?  Far northeast of Darmstadt.

When they arrived....three wounded guys.  All still alive.

What can be said is that a number of folks (not just the three injured guys) were in some big argument, and shooting erupted. 

The gun?  Oddly....never found.

Police looking for witness statement but no one knows much of anything. 

Adding to the story, it appears that two families (yeah, maybe crime families) were having a discussion that didn't go well.

It's a general ongoing thing that you notice now in Germany.....a fair number of mafia units now exist, and infringe on each other's territory.  It's way different than the 1970s/1980s.  It used to be that the word 'Mafia' in Germany only referred to Italian gangs....but now it could be applied to forty-odd different groups....from across the globe, who've entered into Germany and started business.

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