Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Postal Story

Mass Corona-testing has NOT been conducted in Germany.  I know that various journalists from the US have suggested this, but it's simply not true.  Doctors get the call from patients that they 'think' they have the virus....questions are asked...answers given, and then if the doctor thinks you might have it....you get the digital slip to be tested.

So today, if you view ARD news (Channel One, public TV)....the German Post folks (your friendly mail delivery folks)....are set to have 10,000 employees given the Corona-test in a mass situation.

Now, they point an interesting tidbit....the Swiss Post folks went and did this.  Several thousand Swiss postal folks around two postal centers were tested, with a very high number coming up positive....YET showing NO symptoms.  One might assume that after the 10,000 German postal folks are tested....the same 'no symptoms' comment will come up as well. 

Yes, naturally, it would beg questions....but so far, no one can suggest a legit theory over why x-number of people carry the virus without any symptoms.  Maybe Vitamin D levels?  It's a wild idea, but presently worth discussing.  One odd factor about postal people....they spend a lot of time outside, in the sunshine (daily).  If you were looking for people with high vitamin D levels....I'd rate them one step behind farmers....at the very top. 

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