Thursday, May 7, 2020

Ten Things I Learned From the German Corona 'Business'

This is my list.....don't get some weird idea that it's Chancellor Merkel's list:

1.  Nitric Oxide levels have dropped because of lesser air travel, lesser traffic, and civilization almost halting.  In fact, some folks in Hamburg say its between 23 to 48 percent less.  Even in Hessen, it's noted around 30 percent less. 

Green folks hyped up?  Maybe.  But there's been a price to this drop-off, and a lot of civilization was temporarily given up.

2.  You can survive for weeks and weeks, without bars or pubs open.  It just means you sit in your living room or on your balcony....sipping beer there.

3.  It is rather shocking how much Corona-news can be packed on Channel One or Two (the two public TV networks) in a 24-hour day.  Just counting the Corona word's probably up to around 1,800 times a day between the two networks.

4.  Yes, you can destroy professional soccer.  No one believed that before, but now they do.

5.  Hearing just one single cough in a now enough to send you out of the store within sixty seconds.

6.  The blend of reality live TV shows on commercial TV....using Corona in the background?  It almost became a nightly thing, with new shows created out of thin air.....oddly without any value or content worth talking about.

7.  Yes, you can shut down or suspend Oktoberfest.

8.  The whole farm business is basically supported by non-Germans doing the hard physical labor.  Without them.....the system fails. 

9.  This Jens Spahn guy (the Health Minister) is like some Einstein-character on adrenaline. 

10.  Somehow, almost nightly ARD and ZDF (the public TV empires)....found experts to chat on Corona.  There's probably a list of 3,000 folks that they've dragged out and had for guests.    And now?  They will all likely disappear from TV entirely. 

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