Monday, May 25, 2020

E-Scooter Story

I've written a fair amount over the past year about the introduction of E-scooters to my local metropolitan town (Wiesbaden).  In basic terms, I've noted that while received in a really positive way....on the danger-scale, it's been maxing out near a '10' (my perception).  Sometime this year, I would anticipate the first death in the city via the e-scooter.

Over the weekend, the Wiesbaden city police came up and noted this incident.

Two ladies (one a juvenile, and the other considered an adult) got this crazy rent a e-scooter with one person, and the 2nd would be on a regular bicycle, holding onto the e-scooter person. 

All of this at 3 AM.  Alcohol?  Never mentioned and you have to wonder about that.

They decided to take the route down a motorway (not just a regular street).  Someone noted the two in this reckless behavior, and called the cops.  The cops end up at point of some round-about....with the E-scooter and bike laying on the ground.  Walking around, and looking over the barrier....the cops find the two laying there.  They weren't seriously injured. 

The cops?  They gave out a lecture, and then took the juvenile to the station....where they called her mom to come and pick her up. 

I sat and observed two kids about four months ago (before the virus deal)....probably around age 11 to 12.  Somehow, they'd gotten registered and were able to rent the E-scooters.  It's just begging for serious injury or trouble. 

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