Monday, May 4, 2020

Rules If You Visit the Barbershop

Barbershops and hair-dresser operations reopen today.  But there are rules/bans.

1.  Shaving and beard cutting?  Out.

2.  Offering coffee, tea or water to a customer?  Out.

3.  Offering a magazine?  Ok, but no explanation on hygiene handling.

4.  The hints that you shouldn't have people sitting or waiting in the shop.

5.  You have to leave your name and address with the shop.  They have to retain the info for three weeks.  If you offer a fake name/address (Micky Mouse, Magic Kingdom)?  Don't ask, these are Germans and they aren't amused. 

6.  Ventilation must be achieved.  Don't ask.

7.  Some folks are suggesting because of the extra rules....cost might be bumped up 10-percent (temporarily). 

How long will the ban rules stay?  Unknown.  Personally.....I would suggest longer than a year. 

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