Friday, May 29, 2020

Fact-Checking Story

This story didn't get reported much in Germany, and it's a curious piece. 

This group operates a commentary front.  The name of the 'print' is Tichys Einblick.  Most people (not the liberal crowd) would say that Einblick is probably right-of-center....not far right.  Liberals might disagree and suggest far-far-right.

So Einblick published something that went to Facebook.  Someone hyped up Facebook, and they sought the truth-squad to fact-checking.  The red-pen came out and problems started up for Einblick.

Well....Einblick sought legal help....saying the fact-checking was crap.  Judges came up in Karlsruhr....saying yep, this fact-checking was not ethical or right.  Along the way, they did agree on a couple of points where Einblick might have done some stuff in a poor way.  But the emphasis of this court action is that Facebook and it's fact-checking....screwed up.

This whole story is laid out in Watts Up With That, and they did a good job of explaining things.  It's worth a 10-minute read, and some pondering upon.

The problem with fact-checks, which I came to grasp more than thirty years that you could write a 40-line story, based on ten facts.  Then you could assign three teams to fact-check it.  You would then get three different versions of the facts at the end.....with one group 'near' to agreeing it was all truthful, one team assessing 50-percent factual, and one team strongly saying the whole thing needs to be taken down, because it doesn't meet their criteria.

In essence, you need fact-checkers who check fact-checkers.  It's rather sad that we've reached this point as a society, and there ought to be better things to do, but we are now deeply engaged in fact-checking.  You could take a one hour period of CNN, and find a dozen things said....which weren't factual. 

Oh, and I probably note this about Einblick's was aimed at climate change, and suggested that 500 scientists from across the globe....suggest that there is no 'climate emergency'. 

1 comment:

Daz said...

Ah yes, those famous conservatives and their hypocrisy... it's all about 'personal responsibility' until they or their businesses are asked to take any. Then it's all "we're not sure what the science says", and "smoking is good", and "the scientists can't agree - but when they do we'll cry 'science by consensus'".

They should all be forced to live next door to coal fired power stations. Sorry, I misspoke, 'clean coal' fired power stations - as the Australian Prime Minister/ Paedophile enabler states.