Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Ambassador Grenell Gone?

The US gone?  Yes. 

So, here's the three things to take away from this.

1.  The bulk of Germans (probably toward 99-percent)....have no idea who the US ambassador to Germany is, and they've got 3,000 higher priority things to watch or think about. 

So the fact that German journalists and intellectuals are hyped up?  Yeah, it really isn't that big of a deal to the rest of society.

(please don't hype this to the German journalists....they will fret over the fact that its all rather insignificant)

2.  What did Grenell do?  He basically represented the new administration that came into DC.  For that reason, the general presentation of Grenell is geared to be extremely negative. 

When Grenell brought up the NATO funding thing with Germany.....he rubbed it hard into them with 'sandpaper'.  They didn't appreciate that 'rub'.  When he brought up the Russian pipeline to bring in natural a harsh negative way?  Yeah, they didn't appreciate that 'rub'. 

Over and over, Grenell gave them a harsh dose of reality, and it just wasn't the warm feeling that so many intellectual American ambassadors had done in the past.  The general verbal 'stabbings' by the German press at Trump?  Grenell gave 'stabbings' right back. 

3.  Finally, the question Grenell really gone?  Or is he part of the next level of intrigue in EU or German matters? 

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