Tuesday, May 26, 2020

This EU-Corona-Stimulus Deal

Basically, it's being discussed, and it's not final.

500 billion Euro.....from the use of bonds.  Mostly pushed around by Germany and France.

Several countries are suggesting that it must be loans, not grants.

The actual chat about this?  Scheduled for mid-June....likely to be enacted by early July.

The allocation deal?  Probably to be set against the current allocation 'game' that the EU is using among the 27 countries, with the weakest (or worse off) getting a more than fair amount, and the stronger (France and Germany) getting a much lesser amount.

My humble guess at the end?  Half of the 500 billion will end up being 'free' money, with no loan paperwork.  The rest will be pure loan-money, with the hope of it coming back....one day.

As for a wise use of the money?  Something to entice people to get back on track for vacations, spending cash for trips, and getting airlines back to a full-time business.  But let's be realistic....twenty percent of this will likely end up as art projects, museum money, and environmental projects.

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