Friday, May 22, 2020

Symptom-Free Testing Coming for Corona?

Well, yes.

ARD (public TV, Channel One) laid out how this is going to happen in Germany.

Lets say that you show up at some clinic for a non-Corona problem (hemorrhoids, bladder infection, or pulled muscle).  The German Health Minister (Spahn) is writing the script that would mandate testing to be accomplished, and health insurance companies would be mandated to cover the cost.

Chief reason?  To have a more reliable picture of the virus, and if it is surging.

The present amount of testing right now?  Around 400,000 sample per week.  The 'system' is capable of handling almost a million samples per week, and Spahn intends to push the usage to a higher level.

Aggravation by the insurance companies?  Yes, to a degree.  If you figure the average test costs at around 200 Euro (the amount mentioned in late February).....then it's a fair sum of money going out weekly, and to increase. 

The odds that it'll show more infections?  No one is sure about the symptom-free but infected folks, and this would show a more decent picture on that topic.  We may have 100,000 Germans walking around with absolutely no symptoms, and it might be interesting to know who they are and why they are unaffected. 

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