Sunday, May 17, 2020

The New School Rules

Within Germany, I live in the state of Hessen.  To settle up the school opening business, they've released the new rules to be observed (starting Monday).

1.  No more than 15 kids in a single room.  They aren't saying what is to be done with the other five to ten kids, and I doubt if they have the space or the instructors to handle that.

2.  There's going to be a limit to the quantity of kids in the entire building.  Again, they aren't saying what is to be done with the 'extra' kids. 

3. Pauses? has to be done in shifts.  You can't have the normal 300 kids standing around in the playground or hang-out area.  How break shifts will work?  That's left for you to imagine. 

4.  There has to be hygiene instruction given to the school kids.  One assumes some type of mandated list of topics, and some kids signing off that they understand.

5.  Mandated: no hugs, no hand-shaking, no touching, social distancing to be practiced.  French-kissing?  Not mentioned, but I'm guessing that type of behavior will be heavily frowned upon and get you some quarantine-chatter.

6.  Instruction on 30-second hand washing. 

7.  Wearing masks in the class?  Somehow, they got advised enough to skip that you don't have to wear a mask.

8.  Washing and sanitizing?  A big part of the agenda.  They are suggesting daily efforts to sanitize classrooms and hallways.  The type of disinfectant to be used?  Unknown. 

9.  PE or play-periods?  Nope, forbidden.

10.  Oddly, teachers have to be assigned to toilet control, and monitor kids going in.  The wording makes it sound like you can only allow one or two kids into each toilet area at a time.

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